

             "Thinking is free do more of it"

                   A real decision is measures by the fact that you've taken a new action.

                 If ther's no action. you haven't truly decided






  1. Only team entries are eligible.
  2. A team shall consist of max two persons
  3. The decision of the quiz-master will be final and will not be subjected to any change.
  4. The participants shall not be allowed to use mobile or other electronic instruments.
  5. The questions shall be in the form of multiple choice, True / False statement, Specific-answer question etc.
  6. Audience shall not give any hints or clues to the competitors.
  7. Replacement of any participant  of a team is not allowed after registration



  • Written test for each team, 30 objective questions, 1 mark each.
  • Total time is 30 minutes.
  • No negative marking.
  • Six teams will be selected for the finals.




a) Level 1: Subjective skills-

  • Each team would be asked 2 question each.(objective question with option)
  • Total time 30 seconds per question
  • Each question carries 10 marks.
  • 5 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.


b) Level 2: Rapid Fire Round –

  • Teams have to select the subject given by the organizers.
  • Each team would be asked 10 questions.
  • 1 minute for each team to answer maximum number of questions.
  • Each question carries 10 marks.
  • 5 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • No passing to the next team


c) Level 3 – Buzzer Round-

  • A question will be fired & the team who presses the buzzer first get to answer first
  • Answering  time 30 seconds per question
  • Each question carries 10 marks.
  • 5 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.



d) Level 4- Visual round

  • Teams will be shown clips and will have to answer.   
  • 10 marks for the correct answer and no negative marks for the wrong answer
  • Each Team would be shown 2 clips. ( 1 slide in each round )
  • Answering time is 30 seconds per question.
  • No passing to the next team. Audience can answer.


e) Level 5 - Abbreviation round

  • There will be 2 rounds of abbreviation
  • Each team will be asked one abbreviation for each round.
  • Answering time is 30 seconds per question.
  • 10 marks for each right answer, -5 marks for wrong answer.
  • The question can be passed to the next team in sequence.
  • 5 marks will be given for right answer after passing.